Since the start of the novel coronavirus outbreak, people from all parts of society have been mobilizing to assist Hubei province.
Dunkou Economic Development Zone in the Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone in novel coronavirus-hit Central China’s Hubei province has taken measures to ensure the daily lives of locals since the outbreak .
The Xiangkou sub-district of Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone has been making great efforts in novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control, according to local media reports.
A new laboratory for novel coronavirus pneumonia -- or NCP -- testing and detection went into operation in Wuhan, the epicenter of the novel coronavirus outbreak, on Feb 5.
Patients at Wuhan's temporary cabin hospitals have been trying to make the best of a bad situation and entertain themselves while receiving treatment.
Thirty-four patients who had recovered from novel coronavirus pneumonia at two makeshift cabin hospitals in Wuhan were released on Tuesday.
The Baowan Logistics center located in the Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (also known as WHDZ) received emergency supplies from Sichuan province on Feb 9.
Wuhan has asked patients with a fever to not see doctors outside of the district where they live, and instead to see a doctor in nearby designated hospitals, according to a notice issued on early Tuesday.