A new online corporate comprehensive service platform was put into use on June 30 in the Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WEDZ).
In recent years, the zone has rolled out a slew of policy measures for industries, science and technology, and talent, and has further implemented supporting policies for the intellectual property protection, building and testing service sectors. The new platform is another demonstration of the zone following a corporation-oriented serving model.
The platform mainly focuses on the district-level policy and includes six modules, including policy reserve, applications and public notice.
Corporations based in WEDZ simply need to register and log into the system and the platform will automatically identify suitable favorable policies for the company and help it with application procedures.
Previously, companies had to search for, consult about, and apply for these policies themselves. A series of online and offline review procedures were needed before they could receive the fund or subsidies they applied for.
According to the zone, other modules facing technological commercialization, national key laboratory application, and high-tech firm application will also be made available later on the new platform.