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Junshan New City to build CAZ

en.whkfq.gov.cn | Updated: 2022-02-11

Liu Ziqing, secretary of the working committee of Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WEDZ), conducted research on Junshan New City on Feb 9, listening to the strategic design proposals from the new city's central activity zone (CAZ), which is administrated by the zone.

As an integral part of the zone's efforts to fulfill its role as a secondary center of Wuhan, Junshan New City will make the best of its natural and cultural resources, and build a CAZ and a central business district that feature a citizen service center, a cultural and sports art center, an international convention center, an international medical center, a high-end hotel cluster, and many riverside business streets.

Liu acknowledged the preliminary planning work done for the new city, and urged officials to learn from other cities, think outside the box, optimize the spatial layout, reallocate available resources, and build the new city into a vibrant modern place where people are willing to start businesses, work and live.

Liu justified the need to consider the feasibility of the design plan, which should be scientifically sound, and advised breaking the geographical boundaries to extend the size of CAZ.