An all-cargo plane carrying 105 metric tons of goods landed at Wuhan Tianhe International Airport on Sept 16, marking the launch of the Wuhan-London-Amsterdam all-cargo flight route, according to local media reports.
This is the fourth regular intercontinental all-cargo route to open since Wuhan resumed flights. The route is operated by Apex International Logistics (China) Co.
According to Wuhan transportation bureau officials, the launch of the all-cargo air route will help with the development of cross-border logistics in Wuhan, and even the wider Hubei province, as well as drive industrial development in the fields of integrated circuits, cross-border e-commerce, high-end manufacturing, automobiles and parts, epidemic prevention and medical care.
Since the departure of the international commercial cargo flight from Wuhan to Sydney, Australia, on April 8, Wuhan Tianhe International Airport has opened and resumed six regular international all-cargo air routes.
The airport seized the opportunity to export medical supplies to help international cooperation in epidemic prevention and control, while serving local enterprises and actively promoting the recovery and development of local industries and the economy. It is striving to open more than 10 international all-cargo routes within this year.
The airport has resumed – and opened new – international freight routes to cities such as Chicago, Manila and Osaka. It has helped airlines and logistics companies to open 32 "passenger-to-cargo" routes with more than 600 flights to 32 international destinations including Los Angeles, New York and Pittsburgh.