The Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (also known as WHDZ) hosted a successful roadshow on Nov 8, which featured seven high-tech biomedicine projects, according to the official WeChat account of WHDZ.
The projects showcased at the roadshow were developed by Japanese universities and research institutions, including Waseda University, RIKEN (RIkagaku KENkyusho/Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) and Osaka University. Among the most notable topics featured in the projects at the roadshow included the NKT-IPS cells, human IPS cell kidney progenitor cell breeding program, and lung cancer vaccine project.
The NKT-IPS cells project proved the most successful and won the Nobel Prize in 2012. The NKT-IPS cell program refers to autoimmune cell immunotherapy which is present in a variety of cancers. The first stage of Japan’s clinical research has produced optimistic results for 23 of the 35 mid to late-stage patients with a response rate of 66 percent.
It was revealed at the roadshow that the costs of the treatment would not exceed 500,000 yuan ($71,276).
According to WHDZ officials, Japan's basic medicine is effective, but there are insufficient samples for clinical research, and Wuhanis able to provide a wealth of application scenarios and industry incubation capabilities.