Wuhan, the capital city of central Hubei province, ranks 43rd among 1,006 cities around the world with a population of more than 500,000, in terms of its economic competitiveness, according to an authoritative international report released on Nov 12.
The findings were contained in the report co-released by the National Academy of Economics Strategy, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme.
The city ranks eighth among Chinese places following Shenzhen, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Beijing, Guangzhou, Suzhou and Nanjing.
The report evaluated urban development in terms of economic competitiveness, sustainable development competitiveness and within a rating of global cities.
Economic density and economic growth were important indicators to measure efficiency and the level, scale and growth rate of value creation affecting a city’s economic competitiveness, according to the report.
The sustainable competitiveness of cities measures the scale, level and growth of the welfare of its residents.
The report showed that although there are still some gaps in the sustainable competitiveness of Chinese cities, compared with cities in developed western countries, the sustainable competitiveness of Chinese cities has been steadily increasing in recent years.
In that category, Wuhan ranks 122nd globally and 15th nationwide.