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WHDZ releases fifth list of intangible cultural heritage items

By Hu Xiaoyu | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2019-08-05

The administrative committee of the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) released its fifth list of local intangible cultural heritage items on Aug 1.

A total of five items were included in the list: Yaopo stinky tofu, Yangtze River ebony carvings, a musk liniment, a topical skin medicine, and torn paper art.


Yaopo stinky tofu made by Yao Yaogu, a local 68-year-old woman. The dish was invented by accident by Yao’s great grandmother and it has slowly improved over four generations. [Photo/cjn.cn] 


Yu Deyi decorates his home with a torn paper work in the shape of the Chinese character “fu”, which means good fortune. Instead of using scissors, Yu uses his hands to tear paper into various shapes. He said he thought of the idea when he was serving in the army at the age of 19. [Photo/chinanews.com]