Detailed working rules of the leading investment promotion group of the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone (Hannan) were recently released with the aim of making the group a more efficient decision-making body.
The seven-article document highlights a series of rules involving meeting procedures, project approvals and management, and coordination between WHDZ and its tenants.
The regulations provide that the leading group members shall meet at any time whenever necessary and in any case not less frequently than once a week.
Extremely complicated tasks or those issues for which the group leader deems an appraisal necessary shall be reviewed by an expert jury. A written report on the appraisal shall be submitted to higher authorities for further discussion.
The document requires a grading mechanism for project management to be adopted.
It also urges the departments involved to provide life-cycle support for the projects approved by the leading group.
The investment promotion leading group is to shoulder the responsibility of approving the preferential policies, making comprehensive analyses and decisions on potential major tenants, and advancing the settlement of key investment projects, not to mention bringing in investment.
The Office of the Investment Promotion Leading Group is in charge of the organ's routines, recruitment of a promotion ambassador and intermediary individuals and agencies, and the overall management of the investment projects.
The Office shall retain all the information relating to the projects so as to provide detailed one-on-one services for them.